Gosport’s key sites for businesses and employment uses
The vision for Gosport
Regenerating Gosport through the delivery of high quality sites (Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029)
Gosport will take advantage of the opportunities presented by its attractive coastal location adjacent to Portsmouth Harbour and the Solent, making the best use of its maritime heritage. The creation of jobs will be prioritised. New development will provide a mix of employment, homes, shops, leisure and community facilities.
- Gosport Waterfront will be revitalised with strong linkages with the Town Centre. The retail and leisure offer will be enhanced with new employment opportunities including marine-related employment. A new residential quarter will be created which will add vitality to the Harbour side and Town Centre.
- The Royal Hospital Haslar site will provide a new generation of health and care facilities as part of a mixed-use development. This will bring back into use a nationally significant historical asset which will bring benefits to the community. Blockhouse will also offer new opportunities for tourism, leisure, and marine employment and training.
- Daedalus will be a hub of new aviation, aerospace, advanced manufacturing and marine industries which will be the focus of the Solent Enterprise Zone. Proposals for the historic core will make the best use of the built heritage.
- In addition the renewal of Rowner will continue creating a new community with a vibrant neighbourhood enjoying a quality environment. The Alver Valley Country Park will offer a countryside haven for local residents and visitors.
High quality sites
In order to deliver the objectives of the Local Plan and assist in implementing the Vision, the Borough Council has identified a number of Regeneration Areas which include major redevelopment proposals. These Regeneration Areas include:
- Gosport Waterfront and Town Centre (Policy LP4)
- Daedalus (LP5)
- Haslar Peninsula (LP6) including Royal Hospital Haslar and Blockhouse
In addition there are a number of smaller allocations for employment, residential and community facilities which all contribute to the regeneration of the town (Policies LP9A-F) that includes Priddy’s Hard Heritage Area (LP9A).
More information
For further details of these development sites and the wider planning policy frameworks see the adopted Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-29 and the related information for investors and/or developers highlighted in Council Services for Business. Also see Infrastructure Investment for the improvements being made and planned for the town.
For more information about Hampshire as an investment location and its development opportunities, including those in Gosport see the Business Hampshire website.