Invest in Gosport

Gosport Borough is located in South Hampshire on the western side of Portsmouth Harbour opposite the city of Portsmouth. The Borough is a peninsula of 2,750 hectares surrounded on three sides by The Solent and Portsmouth Harbour with almost 39 kilometres of coastline. It is predominately urban in character and contains two principal settlements, Gosport and Lee-on-the-Solent, separated by the Alver Valley.

Gosport will take advantage of the opportunities presented by its attractive coastal location adjacent to Portsmouth Harbour and the Solent, making the best use of its maritime heritage.  The creation of jobs will be prioritised.  New development will provide a mix of employment, homes, shops, leisure and community facilities.

The Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029 makes the provision for

  • 84,000 sqm net additional employment floorspace
  • 3,060 net additional dwellings
  • 10,500 sqm net additional retail floorspace

In its vision for delivering a prosperous economy, Gosport’s local economy will be thriving and diverse. There will be a good choice of jobs on the peninsula and people will have the opportunity to work close to home. The economy will build on its strengths in the marine, aviation, aerospace and advanced manufacturing sectors. The Borough will host a range of sailing initiatives including international events which would not only showcase Gosport but create new jobs and support existing marine and other related businesses. Key employment assets will be protected and utilised for new employment opportunities. The potential for the growth of the tourism sector will be realised.

For more information on the key development sites that will help provide the additional floorspace and dwellings please see Major Developments and for the planning framwork see Council Services for Business.

There is also significant investment in the town’s infrastructure both underway and planned to support this development.  For more details see Infrastructure Investment.

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