Council Services for Business

Council regulation information and advice to assist you with your investment decision:


The adopted Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029 outlines the development oppportunities in Gosport, the frameworks for development and includes supporting Evidence Studies.  The latter includes the Employment Land Review (2012) with Employment Site Profiles as part of section LP/E4: Economy and Employment.  This provides an assessment of existing employment sites and their suitability for employment uses; the potential future demand for employment land; the potential future supply of sites for employment land; and the suitability of these sites for different types of employment and development.

To find out more details about a specific development site or plot and its current status you can view planning applications online.

If you are considering bringing forward a development proposal then you are encouraged to take pre-application advice and further information on applying for planning permission is also available.

Other points to take into consideration include:

  • Gosport’s Community Infrastructure Levy to allow the Council to raise, and pool contributions from developers to pay for transport, leisure and open spaces, schools and other infrastructure needed to support new development
  • The Council will require employment and training measures as part of development proposals on appropriate sites.  See Policy Guidance Note – Securing Employment & Training Measures Through Planning Obligations (April 2012) for more details but
    • it applies to proposals for development above the following key thresholds
      • retail, leisure and office development of 1,000 square metres or greater
      • industrial development of 2,000 square metres or greater
      • warehouse development of 4,000 square metres or greater
      • any other development likely to generate 50 full time equivalent jobs or more
      • residential development greater than 40 units
    • the Council can facilitate support from members of the Gosport Employment and Skills Partnership to assist developers and occupiers in implementing employment and training plans

Additional council services for investors, developers and occupiers

Other premises related regulation information is also available with regard to building control, business rates and environmental health.

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