Do you think Hampshire is special?
What are Hampshire’s challenges, now and in the future?
Can we do more to promote Hampshire the place and ensure we continue to attract talent and investment to support our local economy?
These were all questions asked by the Vision for Hampshire 2050 Commission of Inquiry which looked at how Hampshire County Council can best contribute to the future prosperity, quality of life and environment of Hampshire.
One of the outcomes from the commission is that, as a region, we need to do more to create a new forward looking narrative for Hampshire, to more effectively promote the area to attract investors, businesses, visitors and talent.
The County Council has engaged a specialist consultancy, thinkingplace, to undertake an extensive programme of engagement with a wide range of stakeholders, across Hampshire, to develop the story and they want to hear the views of Hampshire based businesses.
Please help to shape Hampshire’s future place strategy by sharing your views on what you think makes Hampshire special, how you feel about the area and how you might like it to develop in the future.
Taking part is easy, all you have to do is complete a five-minute survey. Click here to complete the survey.
Source: Hampshire County Council